To transform is to change in character or condition, composition or structure or to change the outward form or appearance of something.

 To transform is to change in character or condition, composition or structure or to change the outward form or appearance of something.

The Caterpillar and the Butterfly

One of our most recognized examples of transformation is that of the journey of the caterpillar into a butterfly.  A caterpillar spends most of its life crawling on and devouring its food source until it is time to make their transformative journey which is carried out within the chrysalis, (protective shell). It is there that their former body is transformed by imaginal cells into a completely new shape.

The Caterpillar and the Butterfly

One of our most recognized examples of transformation is that of the journey of the caterpillar into a butterfly.  A caterpillar spends most of its life crawling on and devouring its food source until it is time to make their transformative journey which is carried out within the chrysalis, (protective shell). It is there that their former body is transformed by imaginal cells into a completely new shape.

Humanity’s Transformation and Evolution

Humanity’s Transformation and Evolution


Where are we in our evolutionary process? 

Caterpillar, Cocoon or Butterfly?

How many of us remain caterpillars, not aware that we are destined to become butterflies?

A caterpillar’s transformation is primarily seen as a physical one, and although humans go through a physical transformation from conception to old age and death, we have additional areas of transformation that we must navigate if we are to become our full potential as human beings. Our mental, emotional and spiritual transformations greatly contribute to our evolution as a species.

The transformation of our consciousness is key to the evolution of our species and to bringing our planet into a state of balance and harmony.  


Where are we in our evolutionary process? 

Caterpillar, Cocoon or Butterfly?

How many of us remain caterpillars, not aware that we are destined to become butterflies?

A caterpillar’s transformation is primarily seen as a physical one, and although humans go through a physical transformation from conception to old age and death, we have additional areas of transformation that we must navigate if we are to become our full potential as human beings. Our mental, emotional and spiritual transformations greatly contribute to our evolution as a species.

The transformation of our consciousness is key to the evolution of our species and to bringing our planet into a state of balance and harmony.  

See one person’s perspective on human’s behavior. 

 Click Here

See one person’s perspective on human’s behavior. 

 Click Here

Human Evolution

Both science and our major religions have attempted to satisfy our quest to know our origins.

Who are we?

Where did we come from?

And, why are we here? 


It is unfortunate for us that viewpoints, sourced from both scientific inquiry and religious/spiritual beliefs on this subject have created such separation and conflict on the planet. 


Spiritual viewpoints

See the following pages:




Human Evolution

Both science and our major religions have attempted to satisfy our quest to know our origins.

Who are we?

Where did we come from?

And, why are we here? 


It is unfortunate for us that viewpoints, sourced from both scientific inquiry and religious/spiritual beliefs on this subject have created such separation and conflict on the planet. 


Spiritual viewpoints

See the following pages:




 Science’s Viewpoints 

Charles Darwin
Here is a summary of Nova’s “What Darwin Never Knew.”

How Did Life Begin? 

 “What are the origins of life? How did things go from non-living to living? From something that could not reproduce to something that could? One person who has exhaustively investigated this subject is paleontologist Andrew Knoll, a professor of biology at Harvard and author of Life on a Young Planet: The First Three Billion Years of Life.” 

Click Here  

Greatest Mysteries

 How Did Life Arise on Earth?

  Several scientists’ thoughts on the greatest mysteries today.

  Click Here 

 Science’s Viewpoints 

How Did Life Begin? 

 “What are the origins of life? How did things go from non-living to living? From something that could not reproduce to something that could? One person who has exhaustively investigated this subject is paleontologist Andrew Knoll, a professor of biology at Harvard and author of Life on a Young Planet: The First Three Billion Years of Life.” 

Click Here  

Charles Darwin
Here is a summary of the Nova show “What Darwin Never Knew.”

Greatest Mysteries

 How Did Life Arise on Earth?

  Several scientists’ thoughts on the greatest mysteries today.

  Click Here 

A Transformational Journey

A Transformational Journey

Our understanding of the brain will continue to unfold. We know now from an evolutionary standpoint, that change is inevitable. As our understanding of the brain is incorporated into our lives, we may see larger leaps in our evolutionary process.  How we use these growing capacities is an important question and issue to address. At this given time, our technological capacities outweigh our collective maturity to handle them in many ways. A balance is needed.
Balancing “mind/brain” wisdom with the wisdom of the “heart”is a central issue we face.  Do our actions in the world represent what is beneficial to humanity or are they detrimental? Are we acting from a place of our lower natures or are we reflecting our evolving awareness? Interpersonal, business and political decisions would do well to hold these questions front and center.
Our understanding of the brain will continue to unfold. We know now from an evolutionary standpoint, that change is inevitable. As our understanding of the brain is incorporated into our lives, we may see larger leaps in our evolutionary process.  How we use these growing capacities is an important question and issue to address. At this given time, our technological capacities outweigh our collective maturity to handle them in many ways. A balance is needed.
Balancing “mind/brain” wisdom with the wisdom of the “heart”is a central issue we face.  Do our actions in the world represent what is beneficial to humanity or are they detrimental? Are we acting from a place of our lower natures or are we reflecting our evolving awareness? Interpersonal, business and political decisions would do well to hold these questions front and center.