As I sat in front of the blank page of my computer screen, I noticed familiar thoughts and feelings arising once again. Every month before writing my article for SIBYL would begin with the same question, ‘What shall I write about this month? ‘ and the familiar empty space would arise followed along with subtle anxiety. As I stayed with this, softening and opening, material would eventually begin to arise. Although not an easy process for me, it taught not only the importance of persistence, but the equally important aspects of trusting and letting go. Each month, I would eventually complete my article feeling uplifted and satisfied.

I began writing at age eleven when I was given my first journal. Over the years, journaling has allowed me to integrate my thoughts and feelings while documenting the events of my life. ‘I wonder what I will be saying about my life at the end of this journal?’  I would usually write on the first page.  After completing  a journal, I would read it cover to cover. Much like a book or movie, I saw the storylines of my journaled life unfold….. Beginning, middle and endings. Journaling throughout my lifetime taught me time and again about the impermanent nature of our world, the constancy of change within it and how my suffering usually involved resistance to change. It also helped me resolve and let go of my past and encourage me to come more fully into the present..
After giving my talk at Sibyl’s Wellness and Spirituality Expo in San Maguel de Allende, Mexico, I was met by a burst of intensity back in the United States as we were one week away from elections. The topic of my talk regarding change proved timely and also helpful to me personally as I met the election results and the reactions of friends, family and community.  Most that I knew were surprised by the election results and felt it was a direct result of peoples deep desire for change. While the changes needed in our external world have been obvious to most,  I felt the deeper emerging lesson was about the equally important need for internal change.

The outcome of this election has initiated a painful process for many.  I hoped we would choose a gentler way, but see that sometimes pain can be a powerful motivator. Our shadows, the unacknowledged, unhealed, repressed traumas are surfacing for healing. This is good. Unhealed they have operated in unconscious ways curtailing our evolutionary growth. If we are to survive, thrive and live our most inspired lives here on the planet, we need to take the next evolutionary step in consciousness so that our decisions are made from from love, not fear.

And that is an inside job.

We are co-creators in this unfolding storyline.… Our most inspired life awaits us.  Let the healing begin.

This article was published in the December 2016 addition of SIBYL magazine.