How do we encourage the flowering of humanity’s evolution into its highest potential? Looking at the current state of the world, it would seem a rather daunting task. If, as Einstein once wrote, it is not possible to solve problems at the level of awareness that they are created, then perhaps one of the most important first steps we can take is to learn to expand our awareness. But how many of us are actively engaging that process? Many years ago, I came across the work of Dr. David Hawkins MD, PhD, a psychiatrist who created the Map of Consciousness. His work helped me to understand that although much of humanity continues to operate from lower levels of consciousness (fear, anger), those who embody higher states of consciousness (love) have a much more powerful effect on the collective. In other words, the power of love far supersedes that of fear.

This is encouraging news!

How then do we begin to transition from a field of fear to that of love? One emerging area of study that I think holds great potential is that of healing collective trauma. Unresolved trauma has afflicted humankind throughout time.  Our hidden wounding has sown seeds of fear and anger that cries out for acknowledgement and healing at this time. Healing trauma personally and collectively frees our life force energy to flow unencumbered once again assisting us to move more fully into the present where unity, freedom and boundless solutions to our current challenges reside. 

When we are no longer mated to fear but instead to universal love and divine intelligence, undoubtedly our creations will look very different.

My interest in healing and transformation began many years ago influencing my career choice to become an RN and later to create a multidisciplinary healing business. More recently this interest has expanded to include planetary healing which lead to the creation of this website. For many years, I struggled to reconcile the difference between the absolute benevolent and incomprehensible love I had been shown by the universe inwardly with that of what was occurring on the planet.

Working on my website was truly healing in that regard. Following my inner guidance, I began placing my focus on the transformational changes taking place around the planet. With that change of focus, I noticed my own consciousness shifting. It seemed the more I turned my attention from existing fear based paradigms to life affirming ones, the more joy, well being and upliftment I felt. Like a wink and nod from the universe, this felt like a big yes…your on the right track…keep going!

These are both exciting and challenging times. My intention, through, is to help others shift their attention to a healing process while inviting humanity’s highest potential and evolution to unfold. We are co-creating a whole new story for humanity. One that is sure to be a page turner.

This article was published in the November 2016 addition of SIBYL magazine